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Good Neighbours


Are you a Good Neighbour to Nature?

The Good Neighbours program is HAT’s landowner contact program. Our goal is to support landowners and land managers with the stewardship of their property, by connecting people with the knowledge, resources, community, and physical support they need to address barriers to land stewardship.  

Our Current Programs:

Good Neighbours: Oak and Prairie Areas

HAT is currently accepting requests from Landowners and Land Managers who have a property with open habitats such as meadows, wetlands, and oaks.

Good Neighbours: Saanich Biodiversity Partners

HAT is partnering with the District of Saanich to pilot a project that provides Saanich community members in a particular focus area additional support to undertake backyard stewardship for boosting biodiversity.

Wildlife Stewardship

HAT is working to protect different Species at Risk through our Wildlife programs. By monitoring populations, restoring habitat, and promoting stewardship, HAT is improving the future success of Species at Risk.

Native Plant Walk

Native Plant Walk

Join HAT and the District of Saanich on Sunday, March 16th for a day of learning, fun, and environmental stewardship! This event will be in two parts. You are welcome to join for some or all of the day. 
Location: Royal Oak Trail, meeting at Casa Linda Drive/Lindsay Street. Please register for more detailed location description. Please note that washrooms are not available at this site.   
Morning 10am - 12pm: Native Plant Walk 
Dominique James, W̱SÁNEĆ Land Steward and SENĆOŦEN Language Specialist, will share knowledge about how to grow native plants in your backyard, why naturescapes are important, and what you can do to help birds and butterflies in your own garden. This walk is on mostly paved and fairly flat ground, with a station with many resources and materials available. 
Afternoon 12pm - 2pm: Hands-on learning: English Ivy removal 
Learn about invasive English Ivy, and help remove it from the park! Gloves, tools, and instructions will be provided - no previous experience is required. This activity includes repeated bending/kneeling as well as navigating some uneven terrain. 

HAT’s Habitat Stewards

Habitat Stewards are residents who pledge, in writing, to care for natural habitats on their land. This might mean removing invasive species, not using pesticides, or switching to organic fertilizers. Each property is different, and a visit from our Stewardship staff can tell you what steps you need to take, or congratulate you for the outstanding work you have already done.

View Our Past Projects:

The Wildwood Habitat Corridor Stewardship Project was designed to connect habitat stewards to nature. HAT engaged with the community to find solutions to significant local conservation issues and to promote community appreciation of healthy natural habitats. HAT staff visited many interested landowners in key areas to provide personalized landscape prescriptions on topics like soil erosion, pests, forest health, water quality, composting, and invasive species.

Wildwood Habitat Corridor Stewardship Project 2018 - 2021

Good Neighbours Projects— 2018 and earlier

2014 Tod Creek Project

2015 Urban Forests Project

2016 Ayum Creek Project

2017 Metchosin Shoreline Project

**This section is currently being updated, if you have questions about a particular year or were involved in a project not listed here and want to connect, please let us know. Thank you for your patience.


Wildlife Stewardship