Birds at Matson Conservation Area
Nov 6 2023
The Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary recently turned 100!
To celebrate, a coalition of conservation groups hosted events from October 26 – 28, 2023. As part of the field trip offerings, HAT’s Habitat Restoration Coordinator Max Mitchell provided a tour of Matson Conservation Area. Conservation and restoration efforts at the Matson Conservation Area have helped to make it one of the most spectacular sections of the Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary.
To wrap up the week of celebrations, enjoy these photos of birds taken at Matson Conservation area by Eva Wainwright. Visit the conservation area if you are interested in doing some birding!

From left to right: Western Wood Pewee, Varied Thrush, Townsend’s Warbler, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Red-bellied Sapsucker, Pacific Wren, Cedar Waxwing.