Leave a Legacy

When we say we protect in perpetuity, we mean it!

HAT is dedicated to protecting and restoring natural habitats in our region forever. Many people feel that they are not able to give as much support as they would like to during their lifetime.

Your Legacy Gift can make a permanent difference to local flora and fauna.

Ways to Give

Habitat Acquisition Trust accepts a variety of planned gifts. For more information about your giving options, please contact us. We are happy to help you explore your options! We recommend consulting a legal professional before making any changes to your will.


Bequests (Leave HAT a Gift in your Will)

HAT gratefully accepts fee-simple donations of properties or cash for the permanent protection of natural values. There are a number of ways to donate property while meeting your financial and lifestyle needs. In addition to leaving a legacy that benefits nature forever, there are potential tax benefits for you or your estate. In all cases, you should seek independent financial advice.

How to give: Name Habitat Acquisition Trust as a beneficiary in your will.

Benefit to donor: Your estate will receive a tax receipt upon completion of bequest.

Life Insurance Policy or RRSP/RRIF’s

A life insurance policy can offer a simple way to support HAT, especially if your family no longer needs life insurance for financial security after your death. To do so, you can list Habitat Acquisition Trust as the beneficiary of a new policy or make HAT the owner of an existing policy, allowing you an immediate tax benefit. For a new policy, your payments will be eligible for tax credit.

How to give: Name Habitat Acquisition Trust as the beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF.

Benefit to donor: Avoid probate and leave a substantial gift with low monthly payments.

Gifts of Land or Property

The simplest form of land donation is a straight transfer of title. In most cases, you or your estate will be eligible for a tax receipt for the value of the land as appraised by an independent AACI-certified appraiser. If you choose to bequest your land to us in your will, we strongly encourage you to speak with us about your vision for the property.

How to give: Give it outright, place it in trust, retain use of it for life (Life Estate), or gift it in your will (Bequest).

Benefit to donor: Receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the property based on an independent appraisal.


HAT Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund is a permanent fund from which we can only withdraw annual dividends. This fund is used for ongoing costs associated with conservation covenants and administrative and office overhead. It is also our emergency fund in case of legal action on one of HAT's covenants. Donors can request that their donation to HAT be placed in the Endowment Fund. A donation can also be made directly through The Victoria Foundation (250-381-5532) by specifying that the funds be directed to HAT's Endowment Fund.


We encourage you to let us know if you plan to leave a gift in your will to HAT or have done so already. We would love to acknowledge your generosity, but also understand if you would like your gift to be anonymous.

We recommend consulting a legal professional or financial advisor when evaluating your legacy giving options and their benefits, based on your personal financial situation.

Information for your lawyer or financial advisor:

Charity legal name: Habitat Acquisition Trust
Charity registration number:  88962 6545 RR0001

Our address: Unit 202 - 661 Burnside Rd. E
Victoria, British Columbia
V8T 2X9