Gardening with Nature

Why are Native Plants Great for Gardens?

Creating a naturescape (native plant garden) on your land is part of the solution to habitat loss. The actions of many individual landowners can make a big difference for wildlife in our region. A changing climate and booming population growth are forcing communities to rethink our prolific outdoor water use. Using showy native plants in your garden can also save you time and money; forget about watering, artificial fertilizers, and toxic pesticides. Because native plants have evolved in this climate for countless generations, they attract local songbirds and insect pollinators. The various plants in this guide fit into any type of garden setting. HAT often works with landowners to help them meet their Landcare goals through our Good Neighbours Program.

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HAT approved Nurseries

Not all nurseries are the same and native plants are particularly tricky to grow. Here is a list of some of our favourite nurseries.