Habitat Acquisition Trust in the News

This is not a complete list and articles are listed in chronological order. Media Inquiries click here.

CBC - Vancouver Island family returns 18 hectares of former wetland to First Nations - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/wsanec-maber-flats-berglund-1.6944201

Times Colonist - W̱SÁNEĆ nation celebrates land transfer - https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/wsanec-nation-celebrates-land-transfer-7438298

Chek News - “You are now the first and fina owners of this land”: W̱SÁNEĆ Nation recieves 19 hectares of Island land back - https://www.cheknews.ca/you-are-now-the-first-and-final-owners-of-this-land-w%CC%B1sanec-nation-receives-19-hectares-of-island-land-back-1165099/

W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council - W̱SÁNEĆ Nation holds ceremony in celebration of 45.7-acre parcel transfer to W̱SÁNEĆ Lands Trust Society - https://wsanec.com/w%CC%B1sanec-nation-holds-ceremony-in-celebration-of-47-5-acre-parcel-transfer-to-w%CC%B1sanec-lands-trust-society

Phare West (Radio-Canada) - Entrevue de Kikila Perrin: décoloniser le territoire des plantes envahissantes. - https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/phare-ouest/episodes/725618/rattrapage-jeudi-17-aout-2023.

CBC - Artist invites volunteers to pull invasive plants from Vancouver Island forest as an act of decolonization - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/pulling-invasive-plants-as-an-act-of-decolonization-1.6937118

CBC News - Volunteers clear invasive ivy to help restore native plants. - https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2254153795896

Peninsula News Review - Peninsula family transfers Maber Flats land to WSANEC in ‘historic event’ - https://www.peninsulanewsreview.com/local-news/peninsula-family-transfers-maber-flats-land-to-wsanec-in-historic-event-1673961

Today in BC - 23-hectare land donation in Highlands extends permanent habitat protection - https://www.todayinbc.com/news/23-hectare-land-donation-in-highlands-extends-permanent-habitat-protection/

Times Colonist - Couple donates forest land in Highlands to Habitat Acquisition Trust - https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/couple-donates-forest-land-in-highlands-to-habitat-acquisition-trust-4687707

GoodPlanet - GoodPlanet is partnering with HAT! - https://www.goodplanet.com/blogs/news/goodplanet-is-partnering-with-hat

Sooke News - Funding boosts restoration efforts for Vancouver Island’s Garry oak ecosystems - https://www.sookenewsmirror.com/community/funding-boosts-restoration-efforts-for-vancouver-islands-garry-oak-ecosystems/

Mary Hill - Sc’ianew First Nation

CheckNews - Sc’ianew First Nation signs standstill agreement to explore creation of Indigenous-led conservation area - https://www.cheknews.ca/scianew-first-nation-signs-standstill-agreement-to-explore-creation-of-indigenous-led-conservation-area-958517/

Saanich News - Sc’ianew signs deal working with partners to protect Mary Hill - https://www.saanichnews.com/news/scianew-signs-deal-working-with-partners-to-protect-mary-hill/

Goldstream News Gazette - Sc’ianew signs deal working with partners to protect Mary Hill - https://www.goldstreamgazette.com/news/scianew-signs-deal-working-with-partners-to-protect-mary-hill/

Time Colonist - Sc'ianew First Nation and partners co-operate on Indigenous Protected Area at Mary Hill in Metchosin - https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/scianew-first-nation-and-partners-co-operate-on-indigenous-protected-area-at-mary-hill-in-metchosin-5100712

Time Colonist - Charla Huber: Indigenous Protected Area plan demonstrates reconciliation in action - https://www.timescolonist.com/islander/charla-huber-indigenous-protected-area-plan-demonstrates-reconciliation-in-action-5106426

The Discourse - Historic land agreement ‘will bring our people home,’ says SC’IA⁄NEW Chief - https://thediscourse.ca/west-shore/indigenous-protected-area-mary-hill

Mountain Road

CRD News - CRD and Habitat Acquisition Trust to acquire park land in Saanich - https://www.crd.bc.ca/about/news/article/2020/12/01/crd-and-habitat-acquisition-trust-to-acquire-park-land-in-saanich

Oak Bay News - CRD, Habitat Acquisition Trust to spend $3.4M on 20-hectare forest park in Saanich - https://www.oakbaynews.com/news/crd-habitat-acquisition-trust-to-spend-3-4m-on-20-hectare-forest-park-in-saanich/

CTV News - CRD and Habitat Acquisition Trust to establish new park in Saanich - https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/crd-and-habitat-acquisition-trust-to-establish-new-park-in-saanich-1.5213693

Saanich News - Saanich urban forest purchased as future parkland - https://www.saanichnews.com/news/saanich-urban-forest-purchased-as-future-parkland/

Saanich News - Saanich mayor, Habitat Acquisition Trust call on residents to help raise $1M for new regional park by Earth Day - https://www.saanichnews.com/news/saanich-mayor-habitat-acquisition-trust-call-on-residents-to-help-raise-1m-for-new-regional-park-by-earth-day/

Matson Conservation Area

Walks in your backyard - Matson Walking Guide - https://walksinyourbackyard.com/2018/07/05/matson-conservation-area/

The Daily - 2005, Matson Land - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0U8oNfX64U

GOERT - Success Stories Matson Conservation Area, Esquimalt- https://goert.ca/developers-government/success-stories/

Bats & other wildlife

CTV News Vancouver Island - Leave bats where they are, group advises as pup season arrives - https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/leave-bats-where-they-are-group-advises-as-pup-season-arrives-1.6507883

Power to be - Western Screech-owl Study in Partnership With HAT - https://powertobe.ca/western-screech-owl-study/

Cheknews - If you’ve noticed bats flying erratically recently, you’re not alone says ecology specialist - https://www.cheknews.ca/if-youve-noticed-bats-flying-erratically-recently-youre-not-alone-says-ecology-specialist-863091/

Writing about Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT)

You’re more than welcome to write a positive message about Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) and/or the work we do in your news article, blog, website, academic study, etc. If you do, please include a link to our website (hat.bc.ca) and if possible our Facebook (facebook.com/HabitatAcqTrust) and Instagram (instagram.com/HabitatAcqTrust). If you need more information for your story you may reach out to us at hatmail@hat.bc.ca - Please keep in mind we are a small not-for-profit without a dedicated media team so this makes takes time.

Media contact:

Kevin Smith (he/him), Executive Director

Email: Kevin@hat.bc.ca | Telephone: 250 995.2428

Who is HAT:

Short: Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) is a regional land trust that conserves nature on south Vancouver Island and the southern Gulf Islands through protection, collaboration, stewardship and education.

Long: Coming soon.