Plant Salvage

Plant Salvage


As part of the Stewardship Program, HAT hosts training and safety orientation sessions for HAT volunteers, landowners, and restoration practitioners who are interested in learning how to safely and effectively salvage native plants in areas slated for development.

We are currently working in partnership with a developer located in Langford. This partnership allows HAT staff and HAT-trained individuals to salvage native plants prior to development.

You must participate in a training and safety orientation session by a HAT staff member, and sign liability and code of conduct waivers prior salvaging plants.


(Effective March 1, 2024)

  • Salvaging is only allowed if you have attended a HAT training session. 

  • We will be issuing new permits to those who sign off on the updated site restrictions. Salvaging is only allowed if you have your own permit, dated 2024 or later. 

If you have been attending the salvage site with or without a HAT permit, and have not yet received further information about our new restrictions, please reach out to us.

If you are not yet a trained salvager, but you’d like to get involved with the salvaging program, please sign up for the waitlist for the next training day (see left).

Join our waitlist to receive information about future salvage training sessions!

Training sessions will be offered 2-3 times per year, depending on staff availability. Usually one in fall (October), winter (February), and spring (April).