Covenant Monitoring Recap 2023

September 29 2023

Each year, HAT spends 11 field days throughout the spring and summer months monitoring our 17 covenant properties to ensure they are in good ecological health and remain protected. This year’s covenant monitoring season was completed by our Land Protection Manager, Nina L., along with our GIS Technician, Aislyn King. We would like to thank our wonderful covenant holders, co-holders, and volunteers for supporting this year’s work!

With the season wrapped up, we wanted to share some of our favourite photos from this year:

From left to right:

  • Acorn from a Garry oak tree near Prospect Lake.

  • Arbutus tree in the Highlands.

  • Lauren monitoring a covenant property in the Highlands.

  • Monitoring on Galiano Island.

  • White-crowned sparrow nest in Metchosin.

  • View from a covenant on Galiano Island.

  • Creek flowing on a property in Sooke.

  • A Columbia Lily in bloom in June. 

  • Neal, Nina and Aislyn (L to R) monitoring a covenant near Prospect Lake.


Welcoming our 2023 Fall Field Crew


The HAT Field Crew on Salt Spring Island