Enlichenment - Lichen workshop

In March, a group of lichen lovers attended a workshop series all about lichens! This workshop was presented by Royal Roads University lichen and fungi instructor Juliet Pendray and HAT. This workshop was provided for HAT stewardship volunteers and partners to say thank you for all of the amazing work they do to steward natural areas in the region!

Since 2004, Juliet Pendray has been sharing mycological knowledge via walks, talks, courses, instructional media, theatre, species inventories, and online forums for many organizations in South Coastal BC. Juliet is a professional trainer and facilitator, a lifelong learner, and nature enthusiast. She is a member of SVIMS, VMS, BC nature, and other regional nature organizers.


The first part of the workshop took place online, we were given an “Enlichenment” kit filled with different lichens samples to help us learn to identify, a great touch to help support our online learning. We learned that lichens are made up of a relationship of multiple organisms, including two types of fungi, algae and/or cyanobacteria, bacteria, and more! There are three main types of lichens: foliose (leaf), fruticose (hair and shrub), and crustose (dust and crust). Fun fact: we learned that you can make bread by soaking the yeast off the surface of lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria). Natasha Lavdovsky also shared her incredible lichen artwork that she has been working on!

The second part of the workshop took place in the Matson Conservation Area in Esquimalt. We moved slowly through the area looking at lichens in detail with hand lenses, learning how to identify them. Juliet shared her wisdom and we shared our observations with the group. This was a great learning opportunity to connect with nature and a wonderful group of lichen lovers!

Check out this Guide to identifying West Coast forest lichens.

Thank you to our funders Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation and Sitka Foundation.


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