The Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary and HAT's Matson Conservation Area

You can walk the length of Victoria’s bustling harbour where the sea meets the land, but the only place you’ll find the once plentiful Garry Oak ecosystem there is at the Matson Conservation Area. Head down the Westsong Walkway from the direction of Westbay Marina, Esquimalt and you will find this precious protected place. This conservation covenanted land is bisected by a great elevated staircase, designed to provide passage but not trampling for people above and native species below. Overlooking the natural scene is Swallow’s Landing, a testament to how development and conservation don’t have to be at odds. Joggers, birdwatchers, photographers, and visitors from around the world often enjoy the Matson Lands.

The Matson Conservation Area is the only protected land that HAT holds inside of the Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary. This sanctuary is the first bird sanctuary in Pacific Canada and is located in the unceded traditional territory of the lək̓ʷəŋən People. lək̓ʷəŋən means the "the place to smoke herring" and refers both to the place and the language as it is a language of the land. (Watch this video for more information --> HERE)

May 14th is Migratory Bird Day and we encourage anyone and everyone to get out into your local area and if you haven't yet, visit the Matson Conservation Area! 

For more great Migratory Bird Day Events check out the EVENTS MAP

Nature Canada: All about Bird day. Bird day website.


Spring searching for the elusive blue slug


Greater Victoria City Nature Challenge 2022