HAT Spring Fling held at Coastal Oasis

On May 15th we held our Spring Fling at Matson Conservation Area in Esquimalt. We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who joined us. We had over 30 walking-tour participants and 100 walkers on Westsong walkway stop to chat with HAT staff about our stewardship programs and pick up a sweet treat from Crust Bakery. Despite the pouring rain, we felt the love from all of the friendly folks who came out to see us and learn something new about this beautiful oak meadow and its native species.

The day include walking tours around the endangered and culturally important oak meadows led by the Matson Mattocks and HAT staff, Sara Lax. Participants learned about the history and restoration efforts on the conservation area. Local artists Joanne Thomson and Jim Wispinski painted the coastal prairie oak meadows in bloom. The rain stopped just in time for the Gettin' Higher Choir to share a delightful performance of original songs on the waterfront. And Eric Pitman led a hummingbird walk teaching us about the wonders of the life of hummingbirds.

Matson is a special place as it contains Victoria harbour’s last patch of rare and endangered Garry oak ecosystems. The property has more than 100 Garry oak trees! Over the last year, HAT has been busy with habitat restoration projects at Matson. Last year we hired a four-person habitat restoration crew to remove invasive plants and plant native species alongside long-time volunteers, the Matson Mattocks. We have also been working on developing interpretive signage that will be in place soon.

We may be hosting more events like this one at Matson Conservation Area again in the future, so stay tuned!

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Read more about Matson Conservation Area

Interested in learning more about the Matson Mattocks stewardship group? Email us at hatmail@hat.bc.ca


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