Teaching WetlandKeepers in Partnership with BCWF

We are so grateful for the invitation from BC Wildlife Federation Wetland Education Program to co-host their 2-day Wetlandkeepers Course learning about citizen science techniques at Haliburton Farm in the Haliburton Biodiversity Project and learn from amazing experts like Amphibian Biologist Purnima Govindarajulu, owners of Satinflower Nurseries Kristen and James Miskelly, Bird Conservation Specialist Julia Daly, and Project Coordinator Rebecca Neilson.

We also want to thank Sarah Forbes from the CRD GIS Department for offering her expertise in this workshop, and Russ Pym from Rithet's Bog Conservation Society for his informative tour.

More BCWF Wetland Education Program courses are coming up in the new year and many will be available online. Check them out at: https://bcwf.bc.ca/wetlands-program/

This was a part of our Good Neighbours Wildwood Wetland Stewardship Project. Thanks to our funders for making this possible: Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, EcoAction Community Fund, Metchosin Foundation and the Province of British Columbia.


HAT Garry Oak Ecosystem Restoration Crew


Seeding at Matson Conservation Area