Whooo’s There? Listen for the Western Screech-Owl!
Owl season is here, and if you're lucky, you might hear the call of the Western screech-owl (Megascops kennicottii). Western screech-owls were once the most abundant owl species in this region, thriving in forested habitats along riparian areas. However, their numbers have declined dramatically due to habitat loss and increased predation by the larger, more aggressive barred owl, which has expanded into their territory. Today, these small, nocturnal owls are rare, but they can still be found in patches of intact forest, particularly in areas with mature trees and dense vegetation that provides essential foraging opportunities and shelter for young owls as they fledge.
Despite its name, this small but mighty owl doesn’t screech! Instead, it sings a distinctive “bouncing ball” song - a series of 5–9 short, whistled hoots that speed up like a ping-pong ball coming to rest. Hearing one of these owls is a unique experience, and your observations can help protect them! If you hear a Western screech-owl, let us know! Your reports contribute to important conservation efforts and help us better understand their populations.
Listen to Western screech owl calls here. Please avoid playing recorded owl calls in the forest. This can alert barred owls, a competing species, and increase predation pressure on Western screech-owls.
Ways You Can Help
Learn your owl calls with allaboutbirds.org or the Merlin Bird App. The western screech owl call sounds like a bouncing ball, and not a screech.
Take quiet walks through the woods at dawn or dusk and listen for owls. If you think you hear a Western screech owl, record a video or audio clip on your phone of the owls calling, and let us know! Your favourite park or property may be home to this precious and endangered bird. Please email it to julianna@hat.bc.ca
Keep your cat indoors (they could hunt fledgling owls and other birds), and don't allow your dog to chase wildlife.
Donate to the Stewardship Program, your donations help us continue to monitor for species at risk.
March 2025