Local Business Partners
Would you like your business to be recognized for supporting nature? We want your clients to know you care. Show the Earth your values.
Contact Shania LaFreniere at shania@hat.bc.ca
2020/2021 Business Partners
Blanshard Street Winery
First Capital Realty Inc.
Gartside Marine Engines
Haultain Health Centre
Horticultural Centre of the Pacific
Island Equipment Owners Assn
LesPlan Educational Services
Metchosin Farm
Phillips Brewing & Malting Co.
Peninsula Co-op
R.L.C. Enterprize Ltd
Satinflower Nursaries
Sea Cider Farm & Cider House
Smoke & Mirrors Coffee Co.
Victoria Residential Builders Assn
West Coast Refill
Origin Sustainable Design + Planning
2019/2020 Business Partners
Blanshard Street Winery
First Capital Realty Inc.
Gartside Marine Engines
Haultain Health Centre
Horticultural Centre of the Pacific
Island Equipment Owners Assn
LesPlan Educational Services Metchosin Farm
Onyx Lion Herbs
Peninsula Co-op
Saanich NativePlants
SeaCider Farm & Cider House
Smoke & MirrorsCoffeeCo.
Victoria Residential Builders Assn
West Coast Refill
2018/2019 Business Partners
Local artist Joanne Thomson
Joanne Thomson captures the beauty of nature in her work and continued her longstanding partnerships with HAT in 2018 by hosting the Volunteer Appreciation Day as part of her Wild Anticipation Exhibit and including HAT in a ShawTV feature video. Thanks Joanne!
Discovery Coffee
Thank you to Discovery Coffee for donating coffee in support of Habitat Acquisition Trust and the Pollinator Partnerships workshop on pollinator stewardship for landowners.
Whole Foods
Thank you to Whole Foods for pledging to donate two deli platters for the Habitat Acquisition Trust AGM.
Peppers Foods
Thank you to Peppers Foods for donating in support of Habitat Acquisition Trust and Pollinator Partnership's pollinator workshop for land managers.
Thank you to Romeo's for providing a discount on their delicious pizza for the Habitat Acquisition Trust Volunteer Appreciation Day.
Martin Batchelor Gallery
Thank you to Martin Batchelor Gallery for hosting us alongside Joanne Thomson for the Volunteer Appreciation Day.
Fairway Market
Thank you to Fairway Market for supporting HAT through the Volunteer Appreciation Day with a donation of refreshments and snacks.
Niagara Market
Big thanks to Niagara Market for pledging their sponsorship of Habitat Acquisition Trust's Annual General Meeting with a donation of refreshments, produce, and sweet treats.
Horticulture Centre of the Pacific
We are grateful to the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific for allowing Habitat Acquisition Trust to host the AGM at their Couvelier Pavilion at a discounted price.