Habitat Restoration Field Crew 2022

HAT is happy to introduce the Fall 2022 Restoration Field Crew. This season's team is made up of: Georgina Underwood, Renee Robinson, Nick Olsen, Kyle Clarke, Vanessa Brownlee, and Ellie Fox. The crew has been busy working to remove invasive plant species from a number of HAT’s protected lands. Through removing invasive plants like Scotch Broom, Daphne Laurel, and English Ivy the crew is playing an important role in helping to protect endangered Prairie Oak ecosystems in our region by removing the invasive plants that can take over the landscape and crowd out native biodiversity. In less than a month the crew has already cleared over 12, 000 square meters of land once covered in invasive plants, opening up a significant area for native plant species to flourish, including species of special conservation concern such as Slim-leaf Onion. As the days grow shorter, the crew’s work will continue through the month of October; helping to heal our local landscapes as the seasons change. The crews work this year was made possible by financial support from the Government of Canada and Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation.

Stay tuned for updates on social media to see what the crew is working on!

Georgina Underwood, Vanessa Brownlee, Renee Robinson, and Nick Olsen

Kyle Clarke

Ellie Fox


Leaving Your Leaves


Annual Member Lunch 2022